Acadeum Hero Min
Earn Credits Online This Summer

Flexible courses to stay on track or get ahead.

Acadeum Summer Courses

Capital University provides online courses via Acadeum, a consortium of accredited higher education institutions sharing online offerings. Capital is a member of the CIC Online Course Sharing Consortium giving our students the opportunity to take college courses that are not offered at Capital through the Acadeum platform. Acadeum courses are taken during the summer term and provides students with opportunities to earn credit, accelerate progress toward graduation, or retake classes to improve your GPA. Acadeum course credits are posted to your Capital student transcript upon completion of the course and count toward your GPA. Tuition for Acadeum courses matches Capital’s discounted summer tuition rates.

Acadeum Student Benefits

  • Complete graduation requirements with expanded summer course offerings.
  • All courses are online, with flexible scheduling.
  • Easier enrollment, transfer, and financial aid processes — all through Capital.
  • Courses, credits and grades count toward GPA.
  • Courses can fulfill a prerequisite, replace a grade, and fulfill graduation requirements.
  • Take coursework in an area of interest that Capital does not offer.

View Summer 2025 Acadeum Courses

Register for summer Acadeum courses using the Acadeum Course Registration form that can be found on Page 2 of the Acadeum Consortium Agreement. Fill out the form with all course titles and signatures and return to the Registrar’s Office at Capital University.

Access the Acadeum Consortium Agreement Form

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost of taking an Acadeum course?

Capital students taking an Acadeum course pay Capital’s discounted summer tuition rate. To determine if you are eligible for aid, contact Capital’s Financial Aid Office.

How do I register for Acadeum courses?

Step 1: Review the list of approved Summer 2025 Acadeum courses (XSLX format). 

Step 2: Read through the Acadeum Consortium Agreement and discuss your course ideas and options with your academic advisor. 

Step 3: Review the course syllabus and learn about required course materials. Discuss your interest in enrolling in a course with your academic advisor. Meet with Financial Aid to determine if aid is available to you.

Step 4: To register for a class/classes, complete the Acadeum Course Registration found in the Acadeum Consortium Agreement and return the form to the Office of the Registrar no fewer than 14 days prior to the course start date.

Step 5: Upon approval by the Capital Registrar’s Office, students will receive registration instructions from Acadeum. Tuition information will be posted on the student’s account. 

How do I know what Acadeum courses count for credit toward my major?

Course credit questions can be discussed with your academic advisor.

How many Acadeum courses can I take in the summer?

A typical summer course load is one or two classes.

How do my Acadeum classes show up in my transcript?

Acadeum classes appear on your transcript like other Capital classes. Grades are listed and these grades count toward your GPA.

Are the classes synchronous (in real time) or asynchronous (not meeting at a specific time)?

All classes are asynchronous online but courses will have engagement and assignment requirements. You may be asked to work in small groups which will involve coordination with your class peers. You will use the host institution’s learning management system for your coursework. 

If I have challenges or questions about my class or I need support, who do I contact?

Academic support is coordinated through the host institution. Consult the course syllabus for specific details about academic resources and services offered through the host institution.

If I need to drop a course, what is the process?

Students should follow the add/drop deadlines for the host institution, which may be different from Capital’s add/drop deadlines. Deadlines are listed for each course on the Summer 2025 Course List.  To drop an Acadeum course, contact the Registrar’s Office at